High bit rate optical telecommunications
High bit rate solutions based on advanced multilevel optical modulation formats have been developed on the platform, including the generation of RZ/NRZ-QPSK, DQPSK, 16 QAM, etc. formats using either an arbitrary waveform generator and a dual Mach-Zehnder modulator or an home-made field programmable gate array solution. The generation of high-speed wavelength division multiplexed signals is naturally within the capability of the platform.
Our recent work includes:
- Phase-preserving amplitude regeneration assessment in a recirculating loop using a multi quantum-well vertical-cavity saturable absorber.
- Development of a linear optical sampling oscilloscope in order to characterise both amplitude and phase.
- WDM/OTDM transmission reaching a total capacity of 680 Gbit/s using one single laser at the transmitter.
- 20 Gbit/s wavelength conversion using a hybrid III-V on silicon photonic crystal nanocavity.
- 56 Gbit/s DQPSK wavelength conversion using highly non-linear microstructured chalcogenide fibres.
- Second harmonic signal generation in a III‑V photonic crystal waveguide used as signal monitor at 160 Gbit/s.
Access networks and optical interconnects
PERSYST has developed testbeds for the validation of components for future optical access networks at 10 Gbit/s and above. The technology and feasibility of new types of passive optical networks (PONs) for broadband access have notably been investigated.
This area includes studies of:
- Silicon photonics modulators for frequency division multiplexing (FDM) and frequency division multiple access (FDMA).
- Direct modulation of quantum-dash DFB lasers for OOK and orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM).
- WDM receivers using photonic crystal based filtering functions.
- Silicon photonic integration of an optical packet add-drop multiplexer.